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TAKEN DURING THE CAMPAIGNS OF HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON. By G. Cumberland, Jun. Only 100 Copies Printed. London: William Nicol, 1823.

In fólio oblongo de 27x37 cm. Col: [3], 20 (aliás 19) litografias coloridas (19,5x30 cm).

Encadernação recente, inteira de marroquim verde, casas fechadas com ferros a ouro na lombada, rodado a ouro nas seixas e corte de folhas dourado.

Exemplar com grandes margens, assinado pelo autor no final do índice que contém o pé de imprensa.

O título e a justificação da tiragem foram retirados da rara etiqueta recortada (105x170mm.) que se encontra colada na guarda volante.

A edição teve tiragem de apenas 100 exemplares, sendo cada um deles constituído por duas folhas (3 p.) com a explicação das estampas e 19 litografias coloridas à mão (a última estampa está erradamente numerada com o nº 20).

Segundo o indíce "description of views" (p. 1), o conjunto inclui as seguintes estampas: I - The Aqueduct...; II - View of the Duque of Wellington"s lines covering Lisbon...; III - ...the principal entrance to a small church at Golegã; IV - Tomar; V - A fountain in Elvas; VI - A view of Elvas, with the aqueduct, and Fort La Lippe; VII - North View of Elvas; VIII - Badajos...; IX - Porta-legre...; X - The Army crossing the Tagus at Villa Velha...; XI - Castello Branco with the Serra de Estrella...; XII - Celorico...; XIII - Panoramic view from the Castle of St. Sebastian; XIV - Palace of San Ildefonso...; XV - Palencia...; XVI - Santander...; XVII - Vitoria...; XVIII - Market in Spain; XIX - View of the river Douro at Toro.

Existe uma edição semelhante apenas com 12 gravuras (águas-tintas, limitada a 30 exemplares).

O autor, de quem pouco sabemos, não deve ser confundido com seu pai e homónimo (1754-1848), escritor, poeta e coleccionador inglês, que fez parte do círculo de amigos de William Blake e a quem a obra é geralmente atribuída. Na realidade sabe-se que Cumberland (filho) acompanhou Wellington na sua campanha ibérica, enquanto o seu pai nunca visitou a Península. As gravuras foram possivelmente obtidas através de um processo de câmara clara (percursora da câmara fotográfica)  através das imagens formadas na parte posterior de uma câmara que permitem uma precisão quase fotográfica dos panoramas.

 Views of Spain and Portugal taken during the campaigns of the Duke of Wellington in the War of Peninsula, depicting the landscapes of military operations.

Binding: recent full calf (green morocco) gilt tools at spine and boards. Gilt edges. Copy with wide margins, signed by the author at the end of the index that contains the inprint.

The title and publishing data come in a rare label that is glued to an endpaper. This work had a limited edition of 100 copies, each consisting of two folia (3 pp.) with the explanation of the plates and 19 hand-coloured lithographs (the last plate is wrongly numbered 20).

According to the index "description of views" (p. 1), the set includes the following prints: I - The Aqueduct ... II - View of the Duke of Wellington"s lines covering Lisbon ... III - the ... main entrance to the small church at Golegã, IV – Tomar, V - The fountain in Elvas ,VI - A view of Elvas with the aqueduct, and Fort of Lippe, VII - North View of Elvas; VIII - Badajoz ...; IX - Portalegre ..., X - The Army crossing the Tagus at Villa Velha ...; XI - Castello Branco with the Serra de Estrela ...; XII - Celorico ...; XIII - Panoramic view from the Castle of St. Sebastian; XIV - Palace of San Ildefonso ...; XV - Palencia ...; XVI - Santander ...; XVII - Vitoria ...; XVIII - Market in Spain; XIX - View of the river Douro at Toro.

There is a similar edition of only 12 prints (aquatints, limited to 30 copies).

The author, not very known, is often mistaken as being his father George Cumberland (1754-1848) who was a writer, poet and English collector, friend of William Blake. In fact it is known that Cumberland (son) accompanied Wellington in the Campaign of the Peninsula, while his father never visited the Peninsula. The engravings were possibly obtained by a camera lucida process (forerunner of the photo camera), through images formed on the back of a camera that allow an almost photographic accuracy of these panoramas.

Duarte de Sousa 2, 201

National Library of Spain (Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid) (HPB)

Bristish Library


Referência: 1306CS003
Local: M-10-A-99


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