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Illustrated with 26 panoramic hand painting watercolor views.

Álbum com 26 desenhos originais coloridos a aguarela. S./L. [Sintra] S/d. [1851-1870].

In fólio oblongo (de 25x34 cm) com 39 fólios.

Encadernação da época com lombada em pele e capas revestidas a percalina com a palavra "SKETCHES" gravada a ouro em super-libris.

Álbum 'In Memoriam' com 26 desenhos coloridos a aguarela destinado a servirem de lembrança durante uma viagem de navio a Hong Kong tendo o seu proprietário (George ?) falecido a bordo em frente da costa de Palawan (Filipinas) e sepultado no mar, conforme consta no mapa do Mar do Sul da China colocado no último fólio.

O album ilustra a vida de uma familia inglesa que vive num palácio em Lisboa; tem uma quinta nas Picoas (na época uma zona suburbana de Lisboa); tem outra quinta em Sintra; e incluem no album a quinta que anteriormente habitaram nos Woodloes, Warwick, em Inglaterra.

No fólio inicial encontra-se a dedicatória em inglês:

«My Album. This book is very dear to me: it was compiled by me for my for my own beloved son George, to take to sea with him to serve him as a Remembrance of Places, and many very happy days we have spent together. Just before he started on his last Voyage he brought the book to me (not then finished) and said, Mama, do you keep it for me "till I return from China, things do get spoiled ar Sea - and I wish to preserve this nice and clean, as a Remembrance of you'. The words will be done', beloved George !.....»


1. A Portuguese Bullocks Cart [Sintra or Lisbon area]

2. The dear old Barn (in Loures’ Lane)

3. Penha Verde. Kirk and Addie. [Sintra]

4. Penha Verde; still !!... [Sintra]

5. The Field and Cow House belongings to the Home of my oldest Children Childhood at Chapham Terrace near London, Surrey.

6. The Pêna – as in by gone days. [Sintra]

7. The beloved Home of my Childwood. – Woodloes, opposite Guy’s Cliff, near Warwick. [Segue-se descrição do interior da casa. Subtitles with a full description of the interior layout of the rooms].

8. The dear old Barn [a detail of the Farm seen in the following watercolor, located at the Sintra or Colares Valley].

9. The dear old Barn. – Russo and Clapham, our dear little Dog (Addies).

10. A Pic-nic at the Cork Convent – E. K. making Coffee – which George and Kirk [Frederick] made hot in the tank and served. [Convento dos Capuchos at Sintra with a crowd of visitors].

11. The Poultry Yard of our Picoas Home. E. K. going her regular morning round for Eggs and feeding Poultry. [Picoas - a rural borough - is nowadays inside the urban area of Lisbon].

12. A favorite walk of my Childrens, round Ponte Rodondo. – Cintra.

13. A favorite walk of my Childrens near Ponte Rodondo [Ponte Redondo].

14. My dear old Home. E. W. The Woodloes. Sketched Sept. 21st 1851. E. Wallington [Elizabeth Wallington ?; this is a later add on pencil sketch, that we preserved inside a vinil bag].

15. The lake. Pêna Grounds [Penha Longa, Sintra]. – George and Kirk in the Boat.

16. Mont Serrat as of olden time. [Sintra]

17. Mont Serrat as in days of yore. [Sintra]

18. Cork Convent [Convento dos Capuchos at Sintra, empty of people].

19. [Sem título. No title: watercolor depicting a Sintra landscape with a house, a river, and a mountain road].

20. The Lisbon Home of my youngest Children´s Childhood - Addie on Georges Cart driving his Karm - followed by her dog Clapham. Ellen"s Peacocks [a Portuguese Southern Manor with a Union Jack at the upper balcony].

21. a) a Peninha [Sintra] b) A Pleasant Picnic to the Peninha - where we lunched; and dined at Rio de Núlho [?] with the Ward family and Mr. F. Pakenham [probably Sir Francis John, 1832-1905, an English attaché in Lisbon].

22. Huntleys Farm Buildings Cuthbert Jeddere Fisher’s, and my dear Ellen’s Home [watercolor with an English or Scottish landscape].

23. A leaf from Mt. Olivet Pluckt by Mr. Kalley in 1870. - [no watercolour; just an herbarium of memorabilia]

24. Silhouette gallery [not watercolored: only papercuts of memorablia]. In subtitles: “Frank. Addie (Sorry!)”.

25. [Sem título. No title: a watercolor depicting the crossing of a Portuguese river; most probably the Jamor river on the road to Sintra].

26. Moorish Castle. Cintra. [A beautiful insight of the ruins in the Spring time].

27. [Sem título. No title: a watercolor depicting the Moorish Castle seen from the valley of Sintra].

28. A Remembrance of my old Friend Margaret Thomas [watercolor with an English or Scottish landscape].

29. A Remembrance of Mr. Varley Jun. [??] on our leaving England [watercolor with an English or Scottish landscape].

30. Residence of Milton at Chalfont [Chalfont Grange or Chalfont St Peter, the house of the writer John Milton (1608–74) lived here circa between 1665-66 as an escape from the plague in London. It is not a watercolor, but only a card of memorabilia].

31. [Título ilegível. Esboço a carvão. Mosteiro da Pena em Sintra anterior à sua utilização como Palácio Real. Monastery of Pena prior to its use as a Royal Palace on a pencil sketch].

32. [Casa inglesa desenhada em esboço a carvão. English house on a pencil sketch].

33. “From a sketch taken near Windsor Castle” [Engraving - not a watercolor - placed as memorabilia or a state-of-the-art drawing showing figures of eminent contemporary English persons hidden in tromp-d’oeil].

34. [Map of the South China Sea– handmade drawing, but not colored – showing spot at the 115º-120º degrees longitude East and 10º degrees Latitude North, where “The Burial Place of my son’s funeral George” (marked in one entry at the navigational tracking: 29th October, 1856) in front of the Palawan shoals. It stands as a date when this album already existent - in possession of his mother - completed as it is presently].


Referência: 1312CS032


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